Album: Someone sent us here | Song lyrics to: Start living today
Intro: (B) (F#) (B)
Verse 1:
(B) As for man his days are like the (F#) grass
Like a flower in the field he's flourish(B)ing
And the (B) wind passes over and is (F#) gone
And the place thereof will never see it a(B)gain (B7)
For (E) what is your life, it's but a (Ebm) vapor
It's here a little while and then is gone
You've (E) got no guarantee for to(Ebm)morrow
(E) Come on let's (F#) go (F#-B), (E) come on let's (F#) go
Start living to(B)day, (F#) start living to(B)day (F#)
Verse 2:
(B) What is life, our days are like the (F#) grass
Like a flower of the field we're flourish(B)ing
And the wind passes over and we're (F#) gone
And the place thereof will never see us a(B)gain (B7)
Chorus 2:
For (E) what is your life, it's but a (Ebm) vapor
It's here a little while and then it's gone
You've (E) got no guarantee for to(Ebm)morrow
(E) Come on let's (F#) go, (F#-B) (E) come on let's (F#) go
Start living to(B)day
(F#) There's only one (B) way
(F#) Love is the (B) way
(F#) Jesus is the (B) way (F#)-(B)