[Revelation 13:18]
Count the number of the Beast:
For it is the number of a man.
[Count the number.] [5 times]
[Sung] [Revelation 13:14,15]
They shall make an image to the Beast.
They shall make an image to the Beast.
The image of the Beast has power both to speak, and to
Cause those who will not worship the image to be killed.
[Revelation 13:14,16]
They shall make an image to the Beast. Aah!
They shall make an image to the Beast.
Causes all [Watch out!], both small and great [He's after you!],
Rich and poor, [Don't do it!], free and slave, to
Receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead!
[Revelation 13:17]
That no man might [Watch out!]
Buy or sell [He's after you!]
Save he who [Don't do it!]
Has the mark, or the name of the Beast,
Or the number of his name!
[Revelation 13:18]
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
Count the number of the Beast:
For it is the number of a man;
And his number is six hundred and sixty-six!
Watch out! He's after you!
Six hundred and sixty-six!-
Watch out! "Count the number!"
Six hundred and sixty-six!
They shall make an image to the Beast!
They shall make an image to the Beast!
Oh! They shall make an image to the Beast!
Six hundred and sixty-six!
Six hundred and sixty-six!
They shall make an image to the Beast!
"COUNT THE NUMBER" (with chords)
Capo: 3rd fret
Intro: (G)-(D)-(C)-(Em)-(C)
[Revelation 13:18]
Count the (Em)number of the (D)Beast:
For it is the (C)number of a (D)man.(B)
(Em)[Count the number.] [5 times]
[Sung] [Revelation 13:14,15]
(Em)They shall make an (A)image to the (Em)Beast. (A)
(Em)They shall make an (A)image to the (Em)Beast.
(A)The image of the (G)Beast has (A)power both to (G)speak, and to
(Em)Cause those who will not (G)worship the (A)image to be (B)killed.
[Revelation 13:14,16]
(Em)They shall make an (A)image to the (Em)Beast. (A)Aah!
(Em)They shall make an (A)image to the (Em)Beast.
(A)Causes (G)all [Watch out!], both (A)small and (G)great [He's after you!],
(A)Rich and (G)poor, [Don't do it!], (A)free and (G)slave, to
Re(Em)ceive a mark in their (G)right (A)hand (C)or in their (Em)forehead!
[Revelation 13:17]
That (A)no man (G)might [Watch out!]
(A)Buy or (G)sell [He's after you!]
(A)Save he (G)who [Don't do it!]
(A)Has the (G)mark, or the (F)name of the Beast,
Or the (D)number of his (Em)name!(B)-(Em/G)-(A)
[Revelation 13:18]
(G)Here is wisdom. (D)Let him that hath under(C)standing
(Em)-(C)Count the (Em)number of the (D)Beast:
For it is the (C)number of a (D)man;
And his (B9)number is six hundred and sixty(Em)-six!
(Em)Watch out! He's after you!
Six hundred and sixty-six!(Em)-(A)
Watch out! (Em)"Count the number!"
(Em)-(A)-(Em)Six hundred and (A)sixty(Em)-six!
(Em)They shall make an image to the Beast!
They shall make an (A)image to the (Em)Beast!
Oh! They shall make an image to the Beast!
Six hundred and (A)sixty-six!
(Em)Six hundred and (A)sixty(Em)-six!
They shall make an image to the Beast!(Em)-(A)-(Em)