
Album: GREAT ADVENTURES 2  |  Song lyrics to: TWELVE MEN

Lead Vocal: Crystal Begley
Music & Lyrics: Peter Gehr
Back up vocals: Cathy Gehr, Michael Fogarty, Jerry Paladino, John Listen, Peter Gehr
Keyboards: Michael Fogarty, Peter Gehr
Producer: Michael Fogarty, Peter Gehr


Jesus is calling, He’s calling, He’s calling,
Jesus is calling, yes, He’s calling you.

There were twelve men that Jesus called to help him:
Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and his brother John,
Thomas, Philip, Matthew, Judas and Bartholomew,
Simon and Thaddeus, and James the son of Alphaeus.
[Disciples: Come and sing along with us.]

Jesus is calling you to be kind and helpful, too.
Jesus is calling you to be kind and helpful.

Repeat Chorus

Repeat Verse

Repeat Bridge

Repeat Chorus


"TWELVE MEN" (with chords)

Intro: (A)-(D)-(A)-(D)-(A)

(A)Jesus is (F#m)calling, He’s (D)calling, He’s (A)calling,
Jesus is (F#m)calling, yes, He’s (D)calling (A)you.

There were twelve (F#m)men that (D)Jesus called to (A)help him:
(E)Simon Peter, Andrew, James, (D)and his brother (A)John,
(E)Thomas, Philip, Matthew, (D)Judas and Bar(A)tholomew,
Simon and (F#m)Thaddeus, and (E)James the son of (A)Alphaeus.
[Disciples: (E)Come and sing a(A)long with us.]

(A)Jesus is calling you to be kind and helpful, too.
Jesus is calling you to be kind and helpful.

Repeat Chorus

Repeat Verse

Repeat Bridge

Repeat Chorus

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