

Lead Vocal: N/A
Music & Lyrics: N/A
Producer: N/A
Band: thEthereal


Verse 1:

Oh God I don't know what you have done
and though I try to free my mind
still I cannot see, still I cannot find
please heal my mind help me to realize
that all that hurts is a friend in disguise

See me I cry, wonder whats the use
why to live or die, respect or abuse
I'm just a little, man what can I do
If I would die, would you change the tune
this is my cry please god answer me


Here I stand I'm your god
I am the one that knows the answers
here I stand I'm your friend
i am the one who's been beside you

Here i stand I'm your servant
I'm here to hold your cross and serve you
here I stand I'm your heart
the heart in you that loves your brothers

Can you hear can you see
I'm calling you to come and live in me

Verse 2:

Now I give up and surrender to you
take me I'm yours to break and use
burn me inside burn all within me
give me your mind and help me to see

If I were to give my mind free rein
the insanity would all be in vain
my death would be buried deep in my shame
my body lie in the ground with no name


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